
“For a House, that’s yours!” The above the line campaign we created for the largest e-shop of linen and decoration items in Greece, Spitishop, aiming to increase the brand’s awareness.

1,4 Μ

Views on Youtube

6,9 Μ


+70 %

in the Brand’s searches

+200 %


The case

Spitishop is today the largest and most complete online store for White Goods and Decoration Products, offering over 45,000 products in 300 product categories related to the home.

Despite its establishment in the Digital world and with its main activity being online, Spitishop had not yet become the top of mind choice for a large part of the consumer audience that was used to choosing the traditional (offline) product range. A fact that stems from the inherent security that consumers feel about the products they have come into direct contact with.

At the same time, the brand’s communication up to now has been based on the supply of white goods. A category, in which in recent years many strong competitors with a physical presence throughout Greece have been introduced.

“Every person expresses a part of themselves through the decorating choices they make for their home. And then his home… becomes truly his own.”


Thus, the campaign “For a House, that’s yours!” starts to come to life through Sleed’s in-house production team, which proceeds with the creation of the TV and radio spot, and is creatively completed through its adaptation to digital materials.



Sleed’s Digital team, being active throughout the creation of the campaign and actively transferring its know-how for the online world, utilized the material created offering a 360° communication solution, both in online and traditional media. More specifically, through the use of the medium of TV, radio and a comprehensive Media Plan that included the use of Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Pinterest & Programmatic channels, the campaign managed to reach the largest and most effective reach for the target audience, in order to establish Spitishop as the #1 home solution.

The challenge

Spitishop aims to increase Brand Awareness, and entrusts Sleed with the creation of a 360° Campaign which aims to increase its awareness, even among the hitherto digitally inactive consumer audience. Thus, Sleed takes on the task of holistic brand consolidation and educating the public about the product range and depth that Spitishop offers. Changing the public’s perception towards the brand from one associated purely with linen to one with a choice of complete home solutions.

Our approach

Having known Spitishop for more than 8 years through their partnership with our Digital Marketing department, our main priority was to offer a holistic solution for the entire campaign, ensuring that we would consistently convey the brand’s own brand attributes and values in every aspect of the final result.

The Creative Department undertook the end to end creation of the campaign, starting from the conception of the idea and the creation of the script. By analyzing market insights and audience psychographics, while incorporating the brand’s own characteristics, it created the central concept of the campaign.

The outcomes

At the end of the campaign, the communication “For a spiti, yours!” succeeded in getting 83% of the target audience to be exposed to the message at least once and 65% to see the message at least 3 times through the TV spot. At the same time, the campaign managed to exceed 1.4M views on Youtube and 6.9M impressions on Social Media, achieving:

  • Increase brand searches by 70%
  • Double the number of users entering the e-shop by typing “spitishop”


Social Media Awards



E-volution Awards



Peak Performance Marketing Awards



Effie Awards